Dr. Hao Cheng

Dr. Hao Cheng

Researcher and MSCA posdoctoral fellow at the ITC Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

University of Twente, the Netherlands

He is a researcher and MSCA posdoctoral fellow at the ITC Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, the Netherlands. He earned his M.Sc. degree (with distinction) in Internet Technologies and Information Systems from TU Braunschweig, Leibniz University Hannover, TU Clausthal, and University Göttingen, Germany, in 2017, and his Ph.D. (with distinction) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, 2021. His research interests include deep learning of road user behavior modeling in intelligent transport systems and autonomous driving and safety analysis between vehicles and vulnerable road users.

  • deep learning
  • road user behavior modeling in intelligent transport systems and autonomous driving
  • safety analysis between vehicles and vulnerable road users
  • Ph.D. degree (with distinction), 2021

    Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

  • M.Sc. degree (with distinction) in Internet Technologies and Information Systems, 2017

    TU Braunschweig, Leibniz University Hannover, TU Clausthal, and University Göttingen, Germany